Use "graywacke|graywackes" in a sentence

1. Graywacke, argillite, and slate; includes minor marble, siltstone, arkose, conglomerate, ribbon Cherts, and volcanic rocks

2. Gray to black argillaceo nents (argiliite and slaty argillite); hard, poor11 !3 ray sandstone (graywacke); ana green, purple, and red lava, tuff, and breccia (volcantc rocks)

3. ‘Conglomerate clasts are principally volcanic rocks and greenish gray chert, with subordinate Arkose, graywacke, siltstone, red chert, quartzite, white quartz, and limestone.’ ‘When the sandstone contains appreciable quantities of feldspar the rock is called Arkose.’

4. ‘Conglomerate clasts are principally volcanic rocks and greenish gray chert, with subordinate Arkose, graywacke, siltstone, red chert, quartzite, white quartz, and limestone.’ ‘When the sandstone contains appreciable quantities of feldspar the rock is called Arkose.’